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A Descent into Darkness
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Author:  adam_lister [ Wed May 23, 2007 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  A Descent into Darkness

// ok guys. never done anything like this before so dont hate on it too much. gonna have to start with jang as a seventh year too. >.< oh wellz. You're more than welcome to chip in with anything you feel signicant. Please, if you like my posts, tell me so via a PM. Likewise, if you hate my posts and wish I'd just damn well stop writing, PM me also =p Lubz j00 all//

Jang sat alone in the library, book in hand. He'd been spending alot of time up there lately. He had met with nothing but constant failure in his attempts to find a book that fully documented the method for becoming an Animagus. A rage uilt up inside of him as he tossed yet another useless book into a pile behind him. Picking up his bag he strode quickly out of the library, pushing aside a couple of first year students, and headed down towards the road to Hogsmeade.

As he entered the Hogs Head his thoughts strayed to a rather problematic Hufflepuff that went by the name of Amber. He purchased some rum from the shady looking barman and took his usual seat in the corner. As he drank his rum his mind ran over several possible ways of silencing Amber and those that protected her. A small smile found it's way onto his face as he entertained the notion of tying her to a chair and cursing her mouth shut.. permanently if possible. Out of the blue, a far better idea entered his head. He drained his rum quickly and penned a letter to Nord... The Order of the Basilisk was born.

Author:  adam_lister [ Wed May 23, 2007 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

// a fair ammount of time went by between the last post and this one but nothing really worth writing about and I can't remember it anyway =p//

Jang and Nord, both clad in black robes with covered faces, stepped into the dark and dingy interior of Hester's Hexes. As they approach the fire where the hag stood, her back to them both, Jang felt an excitment building up inside him. He stood behind hester for a while, wondering how best to get her to listen to him. Eventually he simply spoke her name with as much authority as he could muster. She turned to face the two of them, her aged features contrasted with eyes that spoke of a feirce and powerful intellect.
"How can a help you gentlemen?" she asked with an unreadable expression on her face.
"I shalln't beat around the bush. We want your knowledge." said Jang after the shortest of pauses.
"Oh really? I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about"
A rage was already beginning to find it's way into Jang's head but he knew he needed to keep a lid on it in order to get what he wanted. "Do not lie to me Hester. We want you to tell us the secret of the Unforgivable Curses. We are willing to do what ever it takes to acquire this information."
She examined Jang and Nord for a long while, quite probably employing leglimency to help her in her examinations. After a while she spoke again "You say you are willing to do anything now but will you say that when you have heard of the tasks. You must be willing to do the unspeakble"
"Unspeakable?" said Nord clearly jumping to the right conclusion
Hester looked into a corner of the shop, a birlliant blue fire sprung into life immediatly. She gave the boys a breif nod and said "If you think you are able, step into the fire"
Without so much as a second thought, the two boys strode over the fire and were transported immediately to a darkened room.

Author:  adam_lister [ Wed May 23, 2007 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

As soon as their feet hit the ground of the dark room, Jang's wand was drawn and lit. As the pair of students peered into the shadowy recesses of the room, their eyes fell upon a positively enormous and muscular figure. This dark stranger beckoned them over with a clawed finger.
Any normal person would have found the site of the stranger terrifying but Jang, driven by his thirst for knowledge and desire to inflict pain, was thoroughly unintimidated by the stranger. Infact, he was almost amused.

"Hester sent us" said Jang with a nod by way of a greeting.

"I had guessed as much. And what can I do for you?" The stranger's gruff, booming voice echoed through the empty darkness.

"We seek knowledge of the unforgivable" said Nord, cutting across Jang just as he openened his mouth to speak.

"I see... This is no easy matter you realise? You will have to work hard to prove your worth to learn and desire to weild such powerful magic"

Both students gave a silent nod before Nord began to speak. "Give us your task"

The dark and intimidating stranger paused to think of a suitable first task. After a short while his eyes flashed with an inner-evil that would have driven a lesser man to insanity. "I want you to go to Pinboria. In the highlands you will find some farmers. I want you to kill -all- of them."

This time it was Jang's turn to display his evil. He could almost feel his eyes light up at the thought of the farmer's bodies strewn across the hills.

The stranger continued with his breifing, either not noticing or ignoring Jang's obvious contentment. "I shall know when you are finished. You are to report to Hester when you are finished"

Without another word, the man magically returned Nord and Jang to Hester's Hexes.

The pair silently made their way out of the shop and out into Knockturn Alley. Nord, being unable to apparate seized Jang's arm and, with a loud pop, they apparated to Pinboria.

It was raining as usual in Pinboria but the weather did little to damped Jangs spirit (No pun intended... Honestly). He strode, clad all in black, straight for the highlands behind the town. More or less immediately they came across a farmer. Jang drew his wand in a flash.
"Bombardio!" He spoke the word very casually but it was evident that alot of hate was being vented through the spell. The farmer crumpled into a heap on the floor, obviously dead. The boys walked up to the bloody corpse and Jang rolled it over with his foot, smiling at the look of pain and horror on the face that now barely resembled a human.
"Let's get the rest of 'em eh?" said Jang cheerfully. Nord gave a nod, a smile forming on his face too. The pair set off into the hills. Soon their was little but a trail of dead farmers, all bearing the marks of a savage and painful death. Jang, taking great pleasure in thetask they had been given, was keeping a count of the kills.
"Lacamum Imflammaray" he hissed as he spied another farmer cowering in a bush. A burst of flame shot out of his wand striking the farmer who began run around, screaming in agony as he slowly burned to death.

"And that makes 16" said Jang as the farmer finally fell to the floor, a blackened and mutilated shell of his former self. Out of nowhere, the dark stranger from Knockturn Alley appeared before the pair of students. "You have done well. Report to Hester quickly, before the authorities get wind of what has happened here." With a nod the two boys and their dark task-master vanished from Pinboria.

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