World of Harry Potter Forums

Accio Brain!
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Author:  TheSilvernight [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Accio Brain!


Accio Brain !

Makani is a great Harry Potter artist I found and want to share with the rest of you. She has an obssesion for the Malfoys but it is interesting to see them with a different angle.


When Voldy 'died"

Author:  Charity [ Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Accio Brain!

I always liked the interpretation of the Malfoys as actually liking each other. Sure, it was probably an arranged marriage, but in the books they did seem to care for each other and their son. Too many people make them uncaring parents or have Narcissa and Lucius hate each other (usually cheating on each other with someone else). Narcissa obviously loves her son; just look at the scene in HBP where she begged Snape to help him. And the whole bit at the end of DH where they only cared about reuniting as a family and being together.

From looking at the site I have discovered that this artist did my all time favourite MWPP picture. I love their style of drawing. <3

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