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Elvira Lake
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Author:  Valinorilainen [ Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Elvira Lake


Age: 12
Birthday 21st of June
Hair: Light blonde
Eyes: Very bright/light blue
Height: ~4' 3'' or 130 cm


Appears to be a girl of Northern descent.
Might seem clumsy.


ImageGiven to Elvira as her early 11th birthday gift, the dark-eyed, black and white colored cat is most often the one accompanying Elvira wherever she goes. The relationship between the two seems to have almost unhealthy tones, the little girl appearing very reclutant to part from the said cat and more than often holding the cat very close to her body. There is even a rumour stating that Elvira has skipped classes because she wasn't allowed to take the cat with her.
ImageThe cat herself appears to be of quite lazy in nature, very much enjoying being petted and thanking the petter with a loud purr. She is most often seen somewhere near Elvira, laying down or studying something that miraculously managed to perk her feline interest. Altogether she seems like a friendly cat.

Author:  Valinorilainen [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Elvira Lake

((Light makeover, added birthday and info regarding her cat.))

Author:  Valinorilainen [ Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elvira Lake

((Outdated, will update when have more time.))

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