World of Harry Potter Forums

Cornelio Ovidio
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Author:  proiettivo [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Cornelio Ovidio

Complete Name: Cornelio Calogero Ovidio
Age: 11
Year: 1st
House: Ravenclaw
Nationality: Italian
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Hair and Eye Color: Dark brown.
Complexion: light with freckles.
Birthday: 30th March

Cornelio is a slender 11 years old boy, fond of everything and extremely curious, he attended muggle school before Hogwards in order to learn the language and he made good friends, and a crush for mathemathics!

He comes from an ancient Italian family and lived in Rome until six years ago when is father abruptly changing work made his family move to London.

Eavesdropping his parents conversation he understood that the underlying motivation for leaving Italy concerned the Italian Wizard world power struggles between Guelfs and Gwibellins (Guelfi e Ghibellini in Italian) two faction that track back their enmity to the Medieval times.

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