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Miriam Rovere
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Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Miriam Rovere


An elegant looking young woman, with white hair and green eyes. Seems to like the Hufflepuff house colors of yellow and black, even wearing them on her casual clothing.


House: Hufflepuff
Linage: Muggle Born
Nickname(s): Mir, Mim, Miri
Height: 5'9"
Birthday: April 15
Age: 17
Hair: White
Eyes: Green


Birth Place: Columbus, Ohio
Lived in Sussex England since she was ten years of age with her Aunt.
Wealth: Low
Relationship: Tera Jallebin.
Living in Tera's house in an undisclosed location, currently, when not at school.


Tends to be cheerful, often happy-go-lucky. However, when she feels something is wrong, she won't hesitate to speak her mind. Independent, but still enjoys company.


Favourite Class: Harmanomancy
Least Favourite: Potions


She's a musician. She is often playing, or even just singing as she moves through the day.
Sometimes will perform in the Entrance Hall, when she feels she has a large enough audience.


Miri and Tera.

An earworm that Miri would perform in the EH with a large enough to get into it.

Miri's party theme. :D

A song that Miri would play to show off her guitar prowess... and collapse in exhaustion afterward.

Miriam's favorite song.

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miriam Rovere

Updated, with the removal of some defunct links. Imeem seems to not want people other than subscribers to hear their music. Weird.

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