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 Post subject: Duncan Fennelmore
 Post Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:44 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:34 pm
Posts: 5

Name: Duncan Alfie Fennelmore
Age: 15
Year: 5
House: Gryffindor
Nationality: British
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Build: Fit and durable
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Wand: A flexible chestnut wand of 14½ inches with a core of aethonan tail hair.
Birthplace: Godric’s Hollow, West Country, England
Favorite Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology and Potions
Least Favorite Subjects: Charms and History

The Fennelmore family lives on their old farmhouse outside Godric’s Hollow. Although the place is rather large its inhabitants, outside Duncan and his parents, include five siblings and an aunty. The Fennelmore finances have always been spread a little thin which is usually apparent by Duncan’s second-hand books and clothes.

His father, a crup breeder, and his mother, a counsellor specializing in magical-muggle relationships, both spend the majority of their time at home leaving the family tightly knit.

If asked about his home and family Duncan would talk of it with adoration, explaining how exciting is to live with so many people in the rural environment. Playing quidditch with his brothers and sisters, helping his mother in her garden and lying down in the crup pen to be ‘trampled’ by the puppies seem to be some of his favorite pastimes when at home.

Since Duncan’s arrival at Hogwarts he has proved himself a below average student. Despite a certain willingness to try and learn his attention is flighty and his ability to sit still for long periods of times seriously lacking. As such he seems to do better with the classes not dependent on him sitting behind a desk. Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology and even Potions seem to be the only classes he truly does well with, clearly better gifted with working his hands rather than books or his wand.

On the contrary to his general lack of ability in most of his classes, he at least does well on the Quidditch team.


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