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 Post subject: Tatiana Wayde
 Post Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:59 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:51 pm
Posts: 23
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Tatiana Ariel Wayde



Nicknames: Tati, Ana, Ti, Tia
Age: 11
Year: 1
House: Slytherin
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 71 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: A dark, but crystalline bluegreen.
Skin: Fairly pale


Personality: Tatiana doesn't speak much, though she always seems calm. She is polite when she is forced to speak, and her voice is calm, quiet, and respectful. Though she prefers to keep to herself, and often appears sad and alone, she is just about as kind as they come.

Accent: Tia has a confusing accent. Sometimes it seems as though she is from London, but other times, one may hear a bit of a Tennessee accent. Very rarely, she may even sound Scottish.

Overall Appearance: When you put her together, she seems like quite the loner, and a dark young girl at that. She often looks rather dejected, often with her back against the wall, watching her hands fiddle with a piece of cloth in her lap. She doesn't appear to be the type of person that one would choose to approach. However, once she looks up, one would notice her kind, playful eyes, which look cheerful despite her expression.

Piercings: She has the left side of her nose pierced, along with the right side of her bottom lip. She also has three piercings going up her ears.

Tattoos: At eleven, she obviously has none.

Background: Tia comes from a pureblooded family, with two younger brothers and a cousin that lives with her, around the same age as she is. Her parents were very busy people, who never had the time of day for any of the children. They were left to fend for themselves, the only ones around to help them being the house elves that constantly managed their lives. Tia was never particularly comfortable with this "arrangement," and it came to be that she spent most of her time alone, locked away in her bedroom. She rarely spoke to any of her family members, and only left her room to eat, sometimes even skipping meals to avoid everyone else.

ImageRelationships: As of August 27th of 2012, Tia has found herself to be in a relationship with her best(and possibly only) friend, Xander Sinclair.

Ronni Malle, Slytherin Seventh Year
Tigger Alayne, Ravenclaw First Year

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