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 Post subject: Issac Larson
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:22 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:44 pm
Posts: 2
Theme Song: MeGaLoVania


-an't do a thing to stop me!" Mike Greenwood cried with a wicked grin.

"Oh yeah?!" Blair responded, balling his hands into fists and pulling them back. Not that he intended to actually punch Mike, of course. But the more real the fantasy looked, the more fun it felt.

"Hand over the keycard and we might show mercy!" Issac shouted, shifting his stance into a mock fighting pose. He had seen it on TV last night and had immediately decided to adopt a kung-fu fighting style from now on. Nevermind that he knew nothing about kung-fu. So long as it looked cool.

"You want this so badly?" Mike mocked, pretending to hold up the much sought-after keycard. They were planning to use Blair's bus pass, but he didn't want to risk losing it and his way home from school with it. "Then come and get it!"

Blair crudely punched at the air in front of Mike, who pretended to be struck a grave blow. A cheer went up from the small crowd of fellow classmates who surrounded the three boys, thoroughly enjoying the very satisfying reenactment of last's night must-watch episode. They all knew what was coming next; The hero's sidekick, played by Issac, would delivering the finishing blow to the villain. With the keycard in hand, the heroes would rush to save the damsel in distress and disarm the bomb.

Grinning with anticipation for the upcoming scene, Issac thrust an open palm blow towards Mike. But there was a sudden flash of unnatural light between the two boys, pushing Issac back and sending Mike tumbling back, head over feet until he colli-

-ded with a tree." Mr. Taylor finished gravely. He stared down at Issac Larson, who was slumped in the large chair in front of the teacher's desk. The boy was conflicted; he wasn't quite sure if he should be feeling fear, terror, horror, despair or just plain confusion. He really wasn't quite sure what had happened. His first guess was that he had super powers. He briefly considered using them to escape from the office and go on the run, but he decided that wasn't the best idea at the moment.

"How do you think that happened, Issac?" Mr. Taylor asked, one eyebrow raised in curiousity.

Issac paused for a moment and considered. "Magic?"

In response to this, Mr. Taylor raised his either eyebrow to meet it's partner in a perfectly synchronised expression of surprise. "Magic? Ah, that makes sense then. Are you parents both magical?"

Issac gave his teacher a very lost look. "My dad's a doctor, sir. That's medicine, not magic."

"I see..." Mr. Taylor murmured, nodding slowly. "Issac, I think I may have to have a little chat with your pare-

-nts, I'm sure this is all a bit... Confusing for you." Mr. Taylor finished, looking between Lucas and Susanna Larson. Both appeared to be waiting for Mr. Taylor's punchline. The teacher sighed and shook his head. "I assure you, I did not ask you to come down here for a joke. This is quite an important matter."

"All right..." Lucas Larson began, nodding slowly. "Let's say that I believe you. Issac is magic. What do you expect us to do about it?"

"I'm going to recommend a school to you. I went there my-"

"You're not sending him to a nut house!" Susanna Larson cried, quickly standing up from her seat.

"Mrs. Larson, please, calm down. I understand that this is all very difficult for you to grasp, but this is very important. The school I'm going to recommend to you is called Hogw-


-arts. It doesn't sound like a real place, does it?" Lucas said, with a slight smile. He sat across from his wife at the dining room table. Issac sat in the next room over, pretending to watch TV as he eavesdropped in on his parents. Neither of his parents genuinely believed that their son was paying attention to a political debate. A documentary would have been believable, but even Issac wasn't quite mature enough to have a firm grasp on politics.

"Mr. Taylor was... Very convincing, I must say." Susanna replied, taking a sip of her tea. "I think we have to seriously consider his idea."

"Mrm." Lucas agreed with an absent mutter. "The main problem is, this school is in the UK. It's just so far away, and we can't really afford to move so far..."

"Well... Rebecca just got a new place in Chiswick. She sent us those photos, remember? Susanna said, referring to her recently engaged niece.

Lucas winced. "Do you really think her and Gareth want an eleven year old getting in their way?"

"He wouldn't be under foot for long. It's a boarding school, remember? He'll just be staying with them during the holidays. Besides, Rebecca and Issac used to get along so well. Gareth liked him too at Christmas."

Lucas opened his mouth to argue, but stopped. He peered into the living room, seeing Issac suddenly duck back behind the doorway, praying he had not been caught. His father smirked slightly and looked back to his wife. "Why do we give them a ri-


ng us as soon as you get there, hm?" Susanna said, adjusting her son's hair.

Issac fidgeted and pushed her hand aside. "Mum, I'll be fine. Really! Planes are very safe these days. Safer than cars. If anything, I should be worried about you driving home." He grinned cheekily.

His father smiled. "You'll behave then? You'll work hard?"

"Dad, when have I ever done anything else?"

"Never." Susanna offered with a laugh.

Overhead, the airport intercom buzzed and announced that Issac's flight was now boarding. Around the family, the terminal sprang into life as people got up from their seats and began to flood to the departure gate. Issac joined the que, his parents accompanying him. Lucas laid a gentle hand on his son's shoulder and leaned down to whisper to him. "Don't forget, we may be a world away by plane, but we're just a phone c-


-all home. We hope you like it." Rebecca smiled and ruffled her cousin's hair playfully.

Issac whined and pulled away. "You know I hate it when you do that Bec!"

She laughed. "Of course I know that, that's why I do it!"

Gareth grunted as he dragged Issac's suitcase into the small room. He let out a sigh of relief as he propped it up against the bed. "Man, what did you pack in here, Ularu?" he teased, his accent noticeably local.

"Nah, just lots of books." Issac grinned. He didn't know Gareth that well, but he had taken an instant liking to the man's jovial nature. He could see why Rebecca liked him.

"I would have thought you'd be focusing on study, not novels." Rebecca said, sitting down on the bed next to Issac.

"Hey, fantasy stories are important. If what Mr. Taylor said about this school was true, then I'm going to need to know all this fantasy stuff so I can expe-


cted something like this..." Issac said, his jaw firmly dropped. He stared around the bustling Diagon Alley like a kid in a candy store, like a vampire in a blood bank, like an explorer in an ancient tomb. All around him were strange things; broomsticks, enchanted books, funny little elves, the sound of strange animals and the smell of stranger ingredients. He looked at the stores around him, then back to his list of school supplies. He had a feeling that all this shopping would take him a very long time indeed and would involve many misadventures during his first taste of the wizarding world. This wondrous adventure was totally going to happen and could in no way conceivably be interrupted by a sudden shift in our attent-

ion! The Hogwarts express will be departing in five minutes! The Hogwarts express will be departing in five minutes!" Boomed the announcer.

"Thanks for your help with finding the station!" Issac grinned and waved to a fellow first year student. She returned the wave and hurried off to board the train. Issac pushed his way through the crowd, struggling to push his heavy luggage trolley loaded with his travel trunk. Sitting on top of the trunk quite precariously was a carrier cage. Inside, Issac's new pet was struggling to sleep, trying her best to block out all the noise of Platform Nine and Three Quarters. The bumpy trolley didn't help much either.

Within fifteen minutes, Issac's luggage was loaded onto the train and the Hogwarts Express was off. The young boy quickly found an empty compartment and slumped down in his seat. He eagerly peered out the window to watch the scenery rush by in a blur. He could barely contain his excitement. He was at the start of a wonderful journey, he could just f-

elt like there was something tickling at his scalp. Issac squirmed on the stool, suddenly feeling very shy under the gaze of the entire school. He could feel the Sorting Hat on his head writhing. Why it needed to be alive was beyond him. It seemed unnecessarily absurd. He made a mental note to himself that wizards like to do things in a very dramatic manner for no particular reason at all.

He could hear the sorting hat whispering to itself, churning over its decision. "Hrm... Oh, yes... Ah, this is an easy one. So very clever, quite the bookworm... There's really only one choice to be made here..."

Issac began to protest that he was not, in fact, a book worm. The Sorting Hat cut him short however with a booming shout of "Ravenclaw!". The appropriate table cheered as the Sorting Hat was lifted from Issac's head and the newly-appointed Ravenclaw made his way towards his new house table, muttering under his breath.

"Note to self; wizards really, really like to interu-


Physical Description
First Year
Issac Larson really doesn't appear to be unusual at all. His height is quite average, and his build is only slightly on the thin side. His skin tone is a little tanned, perhaps indicating that he comes from a place with a lot of sun. A mop of raven black, rather unruly hair tops his head, the sort of hair that can't be really styled without copious amounts of hair gel. Issac manages to pull off that youthful cuteness that only eleven-year-olds can manage before puberty hits hard. What makes him stand out is his demeanour; perpetually cheerful and optimistic, usually accompanied by a cheerful grin or a bright smile. While his sharp tongue and smart-alec wit usually lands him in hot water, his infectious grin and bright blue eyes often get him out of it again.

In-game Portrait
//The portrait is a bit too old for the currently first-year Issac, but it's close enough.

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