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 Post subject: My wonderful Rabbit.
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:15 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year

Joined: Thu May 20, 2010 11:34 am
Posts: 425
I have a beautiful four year old Angora Rabbit who has just lost his sight in his left eye due to a horrid abscess that formed in his jaw and expanded its way up behind his eye. He will likely be undergoing an expensive surgery, I say expensive as it may mean the expense of his life - however I have a feeling he will suffer without it. I recently came back to play on WOHP but until I have tamed the problem and gotten my little buddy back on his feet (remaining positive he is strong enough to pull through.) I don't think I have the energy or capability to place myself in someones shoes. Once he is better or... the alternative has happened and I have calmed down I'm sure I'll hang out on occasion. He is one of the most intelligent animals I have ever had to care for - even more so than most of the dogs in my past. I'd like to ask anyone with spiritual/karmic beliefs to keep him in your minds. While I usually specifically do not believe in 'luck' I do believe that karma and good vibes generally have an effect on things. In such that If I feel 'better' he will feel stronger knowing I'm acting mostly normal.

 Post subject: Re: My wonderful Rabbit.
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:06 pm 
Azkaban Escapee
Azkaban Escapee
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*Hugs* Sending lots of good vibes your way. It is a painful situation to watch a loved one suffer. I hope for a happy resolution soon!

Sierra Tillery - Little Lambs Orphanage Manager and Ministry of Magic Education Dept.
Anula Bhaskar - Hufflepuff
Crissy Darby - Gryffindor
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